Look For Signs

When I first moved to this little farm house on 40 acres, I had no clue what God had in store. I was hoping this was His will, but concerned that maybe this was my move and not His. There was nothing out here but grass, trees and a pond with a pier beside the house. This is what nothingness looked like, as I slowly recalled mentioning to God, “Give me nothingness.”


The entire story of the Blue Heron, or the Stork we named Elvis, is written in my Blog, Just Breathe. He was my sign that I was at the right house, and exactly where I needed to be. There are actually two storks. The Blue Heron was the first one to show up and then a white Egret came to visit.

The white one, named Marilyn shows up often. She is here almost everyday, stays for a bit and leaves. Elvis is very majestic and carries himself with intention. Sometimes he makes himself known, like this morning, as I was gazing out the window. He purposefully strolled right into sight as if to say, “Good Morning Barbara. I’m here.”

At other times, I have to search for him. His coloring blends in with the brush and trees around the pond, so I have to look for movement before he steps into view. Sometimes, I just know he’s there without even looking. His presence fills me with peace and promise of good things to come.

When he shows up, I can feel, a change is coming in my life.

Stork is fearless. I’m looking out the window now and it’s pouring down rain. He’s just standing there, watching for his morning catch of fish.

The rain is not going to deter him from his mission.

He is focused and is not bothered by his environment. Now, if I go outside with gusto, and the screen door slams, it will disturb his focus and he will fly away. They are instinctual animals, so a loud noise resembling a gunshot will prompt him to flee to safety.

Look for signs. They are there because God always gives a heads up before He swoops in and moves. Just like The Great Blue Heron, God moves swiftly in my life, but he shows me little things leading up to the event.

I may see nothing at first, and that within itself is a sign that something has changed. Watch for the slightest movement. It will step into view when I’m willing and God’s ready.

5 thoughts on “Look For Signs

  1. Wow how incredible Barb! We had a blue heron who used to visit our koi pond when he was in the mood for a tasty snack. I didn’t welcome him as much as you do on your property. Lucky for me, the koi had a deep pond so to my knowledge, he wasn’t successful at my house, but he certainly cleaned out the neighbor’s pond next door of koi.
    Does Elvis still come around?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no! That is terrible! I’m so sorry. xx

      Elvis was a couple of houses ago, but maybe he is still there bringing comfort to those who dwell. When I moved to this house, I did drive down to the nearby lake, and there was Stork. Just standing there as if waiting on me to show up.

      Maybe I need to ride down now, and see if he will appear. The seasons are changing! xxx


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