Give it Time

If you are writing and watching your stats after you hit publish, you’re hurting yourself. That has been my experience anyway. It’s pure mental torture.


You are a soul, not a number.

It used to make me so nervous seeing the number of read’s, compared with very few ‘likes’. I was taking it personally, and have deleted post’s thinking it must have sucked! I wanted to delete my entire first year, but no. That is where I became rooted.

You have to be a member of WordPress to ‘like’ a post. Some people don’t want the hassle of signing up even though it’s free, it’s still one more thing to capture your info. They can read it with no membership, but that is all they can do.

They have to be logged in to ‘like’.

Then I realized my Facebook friends were not WordPress members. It was up to them if they wanted to join. I became happy that they read it. Period.

When starting my Blog, hashtags were the craze. The more tags the better. My first year of Blogging was barely seen. Each post had a ton of tags, and WordPress thinks your post is spam if there’s more than 15. I learned that after 4 years of Blogging!

There was a lot of magic in year four.

Don’t stop until you see the magic.

It takes time, so please give it time.

16 thoughts on “Give it Time

  1. “I wanted to delete my entire first year, but no. That is where I became rooted.” I love this!

    Also good to know about the tags. I sometimes heavily tag my posts — mostly for my own benefit (to link up posts in my “archive cloud” and find them by tag/category later, and I’m terrible at making category decisions 🙂 ) — and I sometimes also cite a lot of sources (including links to other blogs) — and I’ve noticed that those do seem to be penalized since they don’t even get *views,* let alone “likes.” Whereas barebones posts that I just kind of “throw up there” get the most views (and therefore, likes). Who knew giving credit/sharing could be considered spamming?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It takes time and lots of typing to find your voice. Mine evolves each year. xx

      I never know what post is going to actually get ‘out there’ to be read, but that’s part of the mystery. As long as we keep writing, God will use it. Thank you lovely. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha….just passing along what has been learned. I came across one of my posts from 3 years ago, and it had 31 tags!!! Yes love. Below 15 and souls will have a better chance of finding you. xxx


  2. I think learning not to obsess about stats is one of the hardest parts of blogging. That, and learning that some close friends and family don’t read our work! But ultimately, we learn to write for our own sake, and we also learn how to be more successful in our blogs. Thanks for sharing this: it’s something new bloggers need to know and “old” bloggers need to be reminded of!

    Liked by 1 person

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