To Be Embraced

I’m sitting in the middle of my bed.

It’s my favorite spot. My total Zen.

I woke up early, but tried being quiet. Tiptoeing to the kitchen to make a french press of coffee, I closed my daughters bedroom door to let her sleep in.


I came back to bed with coffee to read my new devotional. The sun is streaming through the windows lighting the room. You could hear a pin drop, it’s that still and quiet.

Are you comfortable sitting in stillness?

Do you allow your life to become quiet?

A Tale of Yesterday

Yesterday, my daughter and I went to Target. One of her favorite bands came out with a new CD, and this particular store had dibs on it’s new release.

We walked into the store and headed straight back to the electronics section. Once she found the shelf of the new releases, her heart sank. The shelf was empty. I looked at the small, empty space where the CD’s once stood, and it didn’t make sense for them to be gone. The space was so small for a band this big.


They seemed to have plenty of people working, so I made eye contact with a young man behind the counter. He walked over and I inquired about the empty shelf. My guess was they hadn’t noticed it being empty, and probably had a stockpile of the new CD’s in the back. He walked away to find out.

My daughter was probably holding her breath while the salesman was gone, but I decided to walk around and enjoy my surroundings. I found myself staring at a wall of books. It’s good as a writer to see what is popular. Then, I saw it. This one book….

Be Still. There is More.

How are you with waiting?

We could have just left the store when we saw the empty shelf, but I wanted my daughter to see me ask for help. To dig deeper into the situation.

We live in a microwave based world. Technology has conditioned us to want what we want and receive it immediately.

I’m completely guilty of downloading books to my Kindle. It’s fast and easy. The eBook is saturating our world. Will technology replace holding a real book in our hands? Will bookstores become extinct?

The book that caught my gaze while waiting for the salesman, was a recommendation by Kindle months ago. I didn’t download it, and then forgot about it. It was one of those books that needed to be held.


Thank you for your time.

The salesman returned holding a CD.

I was so excited holding the book, and seeing he had the CD, I jumped up and gave him a huge embrace! I shouted, “I love you”!, not expecting a response.

But you know what? He shouted, “I love you!” back. My heart was full seeing God move in Target.

Thank you for spending your time here with me today. My hope is you feel fully embraced.

10 thoughts on “To Be Embraced

  1. Lovely post and as you know, I live quiet and for the last few weeks I craved it. I got the quiteness when off work for a week and I have been sitting in total quietness today. I have been really craving it cos of my sensitivity to sound which I have talked short about, but not in detail in some posts. With the atmosphere I was picking up at work, I desperately needed quiet and making most of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The only way I read a book online is if I am asked to endorse one and am sent the PDF. Once the book is out I buy the hard copy. I’m old fashioned that way.

    You are right though, this generation is a I want it now. But as you showed your daughter…there is a benefit to patience 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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