Be a Stopper

I’m not very good at quitting. As soon as that thought entered my mind, another thought followed. ‘You don’t have to quit, but you can stop.’

I’m good at stopping.

♥ ♥ ♥

In speaking with a co-worker he said something that has been rolling around my mind for a week. We don’t know each other very well, so he had no idea my love for memes. I noticed he never posted a meme on his Facebook page. It was always a photograph with a description of the event.

He said, “People being encouraged by a saying on a meme. That is the most ridiculous thing ever!”

His comment knocked me back for a moment, but I quickly realized I’ve had that thought before.

At the time, I was scheduling an encouraging meme to post automatically the next morning. A lady thanked me for starting her day with something positive, but then I wondered…’Why are you looking through your phone for encouragement?’

I’ve done it too. Whenever I needed encouragement I’d scroll through my own Facebook page. Hah!

In 2017, I taught myself how to make memes. If you google Letitgocoach, and click images, you will see some, but once I learned, I was ready to learn something else. Making memes is a nice tool to have, but they’ve lost their sparkle in my life.

♥ ♥ ♥

Smith and I stopped seeing one another. We had a beautiful journey, but we stopped several times. The time between stops got longer until we knew our journey had come to a close. It was a sweet ending and then I saw a meme he posted on Facebook. He announced his single status in a joking way.

He used a meme and it was humorous, but I thought it ironic that the end of our relationship was summed up in a meme. I’m not hurt by it. I know it’s his way to lighten the seriousness of the situation with humor, so I’m happy he can do that.

I may not be a quitter, but I’m a good stopper.

5 thoughts on “Be a Stopper

  1. I like your distinction between “quitting” and “stopping.” Words are powerful; they intimate things to us. Culturally, “quitting” is generally frowned upon. But “stopping?” Way less of a charge. At least…for me. Thanks for that shift.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stopping and reviewing the situation or issue is good to analyse even for self-satifaction. I am pleased you and yours end in a good way it is not always easy to do. Please write your memes I would like to see more. Anyone can google memes they are seen 100 times or more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you lovely. You know where making memes lead?

      They lead me to SC Lourie, and taking several of her online courses. They lead to a beautiful friendship with her, and they lead to her making digital paper for me to use in my own online lessons one day.

      Following the beauty works out really well. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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