Here and Now

Today is one of those rare days where I feel I’m right where I need to be. I spent the better part of yesterday cleaning my home, and rearranging items to make them more eye pleasing. I bought a lamp.

I’ve always been drawn to light.

I didn’t need a lamp, but this lamp replaced one that wasn’t giving off the right light for the space it was in. I had gone to this store to find a storage container when I saw the lamp. I walked out of the store carrying the lamp and no storage container. 🙂

Shout our to Little Fears for Lucy hanging in the background.

I love the streams of light.

♥ ♥ ♥

When my daughter and I moved out of the country and into this sleepy little lake town, I wasn’t sure it was the right move. It took time for it to feel right.

One year later, I’m working part time at the local pizza place. A young couple sitting at a table asked, “Why are you here?”, like I looked out of place.

My response was, “To bless others.”

He quoted a scripture and we began talking about God and what He is doing in our lives. I mentioned this Blog and my hope to bless others through writing. He told me this town I live in is for writers.

He began telling me some of the history of the town and it used to be considered a haven for writers. His neighbor rents his house to writers throughout the year when they need a quiet space for inspiration.

♥ ♥ ♥

When I first began at the pizza place, I asked God, “Why?” Three months later I’m able to relax and have meaningful conversations with patrons. They bless me just as much as I bless them.

God puts us in places that makes us wonder ‘why’, but we need to trust it’s part of a greater plan.

It may not make sense, and it will be uncomfortable at first, but today I know we’re right where we need to be.

6 thoughts on “Here and Now

  1. I have just recently felt right where I need to be. It took almost a full month after being laid off a very long-time job. Now I feel at peace. At ease even though I am creating my future one moment at a time, and cannot see the end….the result. You’d think I would be rattled! Not so. Something about this entire process is A-okay with me. Thanks for the post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes lovely. I’ve always had one or more lamps in every room. Now there is a rechargeable LED light you can cradle in your hands and carry with you. That may he a have to have on cloudy days. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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