A Better Choice

I enjoy writing about choices.

This weekend, I chose to stay home. Normally, I’ll run some errands or visit local shops and markets, but not this weekend. It was nice to stay home and do whatever I chose to do. My truck got washed. 🙂

Some decisions don’t come to an end on our timeline. I made a choice when Big Red arrived that could have very easily turned into tragedy.

In Meet Big Red, you see him resting in the dining room, but I had to make room for him beforehand.

There was a large plastic container sitting in the dining room ready for storage. Yes lovely….It contained our Christmas ornaments! When the paddleboard arrived, I sat the container on the back porch.

At least it was closer to storage.

A few nights ago, we had a huge wind and rain storm. I wasn’t concerned about the rain hitting the container because it was plastic and shut tight.

What I didn’t consider was the wind.

The wind blew the rain up under the lid into the container. The next morning I looked outside to see if any damage was done from the storm and saw the plastic container sitting there half full of water.

Of course, I laid the ornaments out to dry and there was no permanent damage done. The one thing I was worried about were the paper stars I made for my daughter during Breast Cancer.

They were in a cardboard box within the plastic container. The cardboard box was soggy and so were the stars but they held up rather well.


They are not quite the same as before the storm, but nothing ever is. I was just happy to see they needed help so soon after the storm.

Now I know to place the stars in plastic container instead of a cardboard box before storage.

As I was drinking my coffee this morning and the sky became dark. It rains without warning, so I ran outside to gather up the ornaments that were now dry. I brought the container into the house because the stars are not quite ready to be repacked.

I made a mistake leaving them once.

The second time I made a better choice.



9 thoughts on “A Better Choice

  1. That assumes people recognize they made a mistake. I see people doing the same thing over and over again, to their detriment, and never seeming to catch on that they are causing it. Nor do they want to hear about it. Something to keep an eye on – I am not here to be everybody’s therapist!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes lovely. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing, but expecting a different result. I’m happy to be learning quickly nowadays! Hopefully, they will see for themselves once they’ve had enough.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. To me, this story is not about better choices, but a lovely reminder of a previous storm you already weathered and came out if it shining bright. The stars that *still remain* are your proof of what you went through and survived. Hip hip hurray!

    Liked by 1 person

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