There’s No Rush

The hibiscus in my previous post has another bloom. It was just starting to open, but I wondered how quickly it would bloom, so I snapped this picture to capture the moment.


Each morning, I take a moment to step out on the front porch to assess my surroundings. They are a reflection of the care given and attention received. Whether that be a garden, or the people living within our realm.

My daughter hit a milestone in adulting.

She rolled the trash and recycling cans back down the driveway to their designated area. I didn’t ask her to. She just knows it’s a part of being an adult, so she did it. They were not sitting behind our vehicles this morning.

I’ve waited a long time for this.

My daughter knew I would be leaving the house early, so she cleared the path. She knows what it’s like to back into them.  🙂

She does so many things within our home without me asking. She has watched and realizes a beautiful life is in the details. I see the details falling into her life. Her bed is usually made long before mine.

I want my daughter to slow down and enjoy this beautiful life. I found myself responding to people this week with, “There’s no rush.” I wanted everyone to stop rushing. I think she’s getting it because I’m beginning to hear her respond to others with, “There’s no rush.”


There’s something about saying those three words out loud to someone, it bounces back and has a calming effect. There’s no need to say it if I’m not willing to do it as well.

The Hibiscus opened ever so slowly. Even with blooming my darling, there’s no rush.

9 thoughts on “There’s No Rush

  1. Slowing down is so important, I am beginning to do this too. When living in a constricted environment all we want to do is rush to get out of it. Once out of that harsh environment it is easier to slow down no need to rush anymore. Beautiful post Barb.

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