Every Single Day

The Waterpik is mocking my new habit.

It’s showing me new habits are work. The jury is still out whether healthy habits are more difficult to stick with than bad habits are to break, but I enjoy the trade.

Replace a bad habit with a good one.

You have to stick with it everyday, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.

I stepped out of the shower and forgot to use the Waterpik. That’s twice this week, which didn’t set well with me. The first time I left it sitting on the counter, but today, I remembered to sit it on the edge of the shower.

Unfortunately, it was behind the curtain, so I forgot it was there. As soon as I pulled the curtain aside, I saw it.

Standing in front of the vanity, all warm and cozy in my robe, I could see how easy it would be to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” For some reason this year, I’m keenly aware of our numbered tomorrows and try to do what’s in front of me to do, right then.

I disrobed, wrapped a towel around me and stepped back into the shower. By then the water in the Waterpik had become cold, so it felt like shards of ice stabbing my gums, but…I did it!

That helped drive home the habit even more.


Here’s what I learned. Next shower, I will use it immediately while the water in the chamber is still warm. It will go all the way in the shower with me, instead of just to the edge. To create a new habit we must go all the way, every single day.

11 thoughts on “Every Single Day

      1. I know I make mistakes, but I have learned to move forward, and not dwell on them, most of the time. Most of my mistakes will make no difference at all in the long run, thank heaven, especially if I respond to them positively. your posts btw make me smile

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