To Be Found

In November 2020, I wrote down 3 things to keep in mind for 2021. One has come to pass, and I’m working on the second one, but that third one is a daily ‘wait and see’.

I’m not the easiest person to love. I douse my front porch with glitter, and was recently granted permission to do the same to my neighbors driveway, so Barb is glittering up the neighborhood. I noticed the other day, I was showering with soap in the shape and smell of birthday cake.

You may think I’m kidding, but nope.

Buff City Soap-Life of the Party

What was the third thing I wrote down? To fall in love.

Dating apps have become entertainment for me, and I poke fun at myself on FaceBook. Last week, a girlfriend of mine was cheering me on for still being in the dating arena. We chatted and she shared that she stopped looking about a year ago. I cannot leave the dating arena yet because I made this tiny little deal with God. For me to fall in love, I had to be willing to put myself out there to be found.

God realizes I live a fairytale lifestyle, but this a time He told me ‘no’. I fully expected my person to walk up to my front door holding my favorite cup of coffee, but that hasn’t happened. I know in my heart there is someone for me, but the odds are they’re not going to knock on the door. However, I do catch myself checking out every delivery person, just in case.

That was the first step, and it was a scary one, but I’m determined to be fearless in putting myself out there to be found.

22 thoughts on “To Be Found

  1. It is true. Even if you don’t put yourself out there in the 3-D world to be available, you have to truly open your heart to the idea 100%. And then he may just walk up to your door. Maybe he’s lost. 🙂
    BTW, I love, love, love those candles, but they’re nowhere near me at this point in time. Not like I don’t already have plenty LOL.

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  2. I love your honesty and willingness to share your personal deals with God. I’ve been through periods of waiting and the only explanation I came up with is that He is developing our patience, perseverance, endurance…for when we are richly rewarded. Love and light to you.

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  3. Hi Barb,
    I think exactly the same way you do: I know there is someone for me out there for me, but I doubt they will come knocking at my door.
    So I continue to put up with dating sites as a way of being pro-active and doing my part.
    Best of luck to us!
    Blessings!! ♥♥

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    1. Wouldn’t that be easy? Haha It is similar to a minefield my darling but God is watching every step. I’ve had a few explosions, but keep dusting myself off and replacing the armor. Thank you for sharing. ❤


  4. Ahh, the dating world. I absolutely smiled the whole time while reading this. I agree with every word of your experiences. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that predestined Delivery Man. I believe we’re courageous in living single and waiting-working with Self-pursuing that Love God promised. 🥰 Go for it! You’re worth your work. Sigh. Smile. Begin again.

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    1. I hope you are practicing dating my lovely. You have so much to offer the right man. Right? I order something to be delivered about once a week, but he hasn’t showed. 🙂 I have living single down to a science, and it has been a courageous journey. Where I’m finding the real strength is in the willing to share. ❤

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      1. I’m trying…has been some hurtful moments. I’m still trying. 🙋🏽😘 I see it as being able to remain open and available. I think we share of ourselves a lot…you do each time you write, breathe, smile, love, sprinkle glitter and live. Keep Letting Go.
        I see you! 💕💕

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      2. Keep trying. We learn from those moments of what not to do next, and there’s always a next time. We share ourselves sweet soul, but we control how much is shared. I’m waiting for the one brave enough to step in, like he belongs here. We see one another, and it’s great seeing you here. ❤


  5. Ugh! I’m the same way. I can’t be bothered “putting myself out there” and I’m just waiting for God to send the “one”. I think the reality is that I have come to enjoy being alone too much.

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