The Right to Write

You gotta write everyday and I just learned Morning Pages don’t count as everyday writing. Those pages are simply there to catch yourself thinking.

One of my most loved writer’s is Julia Cameron, and I’m going through her course, ‘The The Right to Write.” Listening to Julia’s sage advice is similar to listening to my Mother if she would’ve written. This course was given to me by my son for Christmas. He asked what I wanted this year, and I know how much he usually spends on me at Christmas, so I told him about the course. The course has more meaning as a gift.

I imagined sitting and watching hour long videos, but that was only in my mind. Julia is smart in making each video one minute or so long, and breaking each lesson into tiny clips, which leave you hungry for more.

Not everything you write is meant to be published. I believe that’s the beauty of the Morning Pages. I can lay exactly how I feel to the page. Julia expressed the importance of writing them by hand, instead of typing. She described typing on a keyboard instills speed and accuracy, but writing on a page by hand brings depth. Those ‘first thing in the morning’ thoughts run deep, which I’m grateful not to publish.

Everyone has a Writer in them, but writing wants to be released everyday. If you need a permission slip, here it is my lovely. You have the right to write.

12 thoughts on “The Right to Write

  1. Barb, thank you for the wonderful blog entry about writing. I am trying to write a book and I just can’t get the habit formed that seems to stick. I think I’m going to check out The class you have mentioned above. I need to go back and read a lot of your other posts which I haven’t been making time for lately. I always appreciate your blog posts and your thoughts and appreciate all that you do for us readers. I also know about morning pages and have done them but I can’t seem to get a habit established for the morning. I start my job at 7 AM so I have more time in the evening than I do in the morning. But one of these days I’ll find a habit that works for writing and manifesting. Thank you so much!

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  2. I think life-long learning is both smart and healthy. It’s a fact of nature that you only coast downhill. I hope you enjoy your course, I would love a report later on.
    I loved the Phrase “here it is my lovely”. I think that’s sweet and likely a reflection of you. – David

    Liked by 2 people

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