Tag: #liftyourheadwearysinner

Feel the Music

I haven’t driven my truck all week.

That is why I haven’t posted a song, because I usually hear the right song while driving. Today? I had to run away from home.

I didn’t go far, and wasn’t gone long, but that little drive refreshed me. The last time I drove my truck was four days ago, and I had a conversation with God. Ever since we had that talk, I’ve had my head down, and focused on what He has called me to do.

It has been an intense week of trying to pull all the little pieces together. Everything He has given me to work with is scattered around, so it’s one step, and then another. Each step I take, and complete, leads to more steps. It’s mesmerizing to watch it unfold.

It felt great when this song came on! I rolled my windows down, turned the volume up where the bass was thumping, and drove straight through the countryside. Enjoy!